Australian Bird Sounds

Discovering the birds of Australia for some people, is one of the biggest delights when visiting Australia. Its territories are home to many species of birds. Here are some of the melodious songs...

Category: Animals/Nature   Tracks: 15   Views: 33804  

by Beng Dy - 15 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Crimson Rosella
Blue-winged Kookaburra
Australian Kestrel
Australian King Parrot
Australian Magpie
Australian Raven
Brown Honeyeater
Grey Currawong
Masked Lapwing
Olive-backed Oriole
Rainbow Lorikeet
Whistling Kite
Yellow-throated Miner
Boards form Beng Dy
Beng Dy

Discovering the birds of Australia for some people, is one of the biggest delights when visiting Australia. Its territories are home to many species of birds. Here are some of the melodious songs...

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