Bigfoot Calls - Stan Courtney

Bigfoot researcher Stan Courtney presented some of his Bigfoot audio recordings, which he said feature sounds that don't match known animals. The noises start out as low pitch and turn into a roar, as well as go into a high pitch wail.

Category: Animals/Nature   Tracks: 10   Views: 11556  

by Penny Modesto - 10 tracks
Bigfoot Calls - Stan Courtney 1
Bigfoot Calls - Stan Courtney 2
Bigfoot Calls - Stan Courtney 3
Bigfoot Calls - Stan Courtney 4
Bigfoot Calls - Stan Courtney 5
Bigfoot Calls - Stan Courtney 6
Bigfoot Calls - Stan Courtney 7
Bigfoot Calls - Stan Courtney 8
Bigfoot Calls - Stan Courtney 9
Bigfoot Calls - Stan Courtney 10
Boards form Penny Modesto
Penny Modesto

Bigfoot researcher Stan Courtney presented some of his Bigfoot audio recordings, which he said feature sounds that don't match known animals. The noises start out as low pitch and turn into a roar, as well as go into a high pitch wail.

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