Liberal Politics Soundboard

Voices of dissent in the media. Those with opposite view points would call them left wingers, democrats and liberals.

Category: Politics   Tracks: 16   Views: 13264  

by Jason Booth - 16 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Keith Olbermann letter to Bush
Right wingers only digest red meat
Bush plays the 911 card
George Washington - Terrorist
CNN worker calls Rove testimony B.S.
Question Power - JFK
Fidel Castro inspired CNN
Try Bush for War Crimes - Rosie
Ted Turner on Fox News
Iraq - Worse than Vietnam
Worldwide U.S. Gulag of Prisons
Media Portrayal of Saddam Hussein
NYtimes reporting from Lebanon-06
Iraq - Barack Obama
Universal Health Care
CIA & Government Secrecy - JFK
Boards form Jason Booth
Jason Booth

Voices of dissent in the media. Those with opposite view points would call them left wingers, democrats and liberals.

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