F-16 Fighting Falcon sounds

The Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon is an American multi purpose jet fighter airplane originally developed by General Dynamics for the United States Air Force. 14 countries have them and pilots call them the Viper.

Category: Sound FX   Tracks: 25   Views: 23059  

by Jason Booth - 25 tracks    Full Board $4.99
F 16
door open
door close
f16 b
f16 flaps
f16 gear
f16 roll
f16 roll 2
f16 wind
f16 x 1
f16 x 2
f16 x2 comb
f16 x3
f16 x3 comb
f16 x4
f16 2
f16 3 comb
f16 4
f16 4 comb
Xban1 shut
Xban1 strt
Boards form Jason Booth
Jason Booth

The Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon is an American multi purpose jet fighter airplane originally developed by General Dynamics for the United States Air Force. 14 countries have them and pilots call them the Viper.

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