Call of Duty Mohaa Mod - Explosions

These are preview sounds for a mod you can do to your Call of Duty Medal of Honor video game. These are new sounds that adds up to a very fun shooter with plenty of explosions. Mods are made by xXezekielXx.

Category: Games   Tracks: 20   Views: 25237  

by Beng - 20 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Explosion - Water sound 1
Explosion - Water sound 2
Explosion - Water sound 3
Explosion - Water sound 4
Explosion - Dirt sound 1
Explosion - Dirt sound 2
Explosion - Dirt sound 3
Explosion - Dirt sound 4
Explosion - Grenade sound 1
Explosion - Grenade sound 2
Explosion - Grenade sound 3
Explosion - Grenade sound 4
Explosion - Metal sound 1
Explosion - Metal sound 2
Explosion - Metal sound 3
Explosion - Metal sound 4
Explosion - Metal sound 5
Explosion - Mine sound
Explosion - Stone sound 1
Explosion - Stone sound 2
Boards form Beng

These are preview sounds for a mod you can do to your Call of Duty Medal of Honor video game. These are new sounds that adds up to a very fun shooter with plenty of explosions. Mods are made by xXezekielXx.

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