Dirty Robot Chat

Would robots also experience sexual pleasure? How would you have a one-night stand with a robot? Maybe humans could develop an emotional connection to a virtual lover robot...listen here and have a CYBERLOVER! Adult Language

Category: Mature(18+)   Tracks: 15   Views: 20544  

by Penny Modesto - 15 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Harder harder
F - - k me in the back seat
Baby touch me
Touch me softly
F - - k my dog
I have rippin balls
I want you in my pants
Im watching you
Laughing my ass off
Now lick my asshole
Sexy milkies
Touch my bra
There's a party in my pants
You are sexy
Boards form Penny Modesto
Penny Modesto

Would robots also experience sexual pleasure? How would you have a one-night stand with a robot? Maybe humans could develop an emotional connection to a virtual lover robot...listen here and have a CYBERLOVER! Adult Language

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