Werewolf Sounds

A werewolf in folklore is a person who shapeshifts into a wolf or wolflike creature. Hear audio clips from famous werewolf movies.

Category: Sound FX   Tracks: 14   Views: 95833  

by Emanuel Enea - 14 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Whoever is bitten
Cant Tame - the Howling
Howling Werewolf
Newslady - The Howling
Aww howl
Silver bullet my ass - the Howling
Howl - The Howling
Attack - An American Werewolf in London
Beware Moon lights - An American Werewolf
Proof - The Howling
It was real
Shape shifter EE
Shapeshifter -JB
Boards form Emanuel Enea
Emanuel Enea

A werewolf in folklore is a person who shapeshifts into a wolf or wolflike creature. Hear audio clips from famous werewolf movies.

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