Big Cat Soundboard

This playlist includes audio clips of all the great and beautiful big cats like lions, pumas, cougars and more. Careful, not domesticated.

Category: Animals/Nature   Tracks: 40   Views: 151286  

by Lions - 40 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Lion roar
Lion Roar 2
Cougar roar
Cougar snarl
Mountain Lion
Lioness growl
Lion heavy roar
Lion snarl roar
Tiger sharp growl
Tiger roar sound
leopard snarl fast
leopard fearsome roar
lion angry growl
lion roar growl
tiger hunting
tiger snarls
Leopard roar ferocious
Leopard snarls
Cougar roar snarl
Cougar roars growl
Puma growl scream
Puma snarls growl
Leopard snarls sound
Tiger snarls
Roaring lion
Lion roars
Tiger sound clip
Leopard sound clip
Lion sound clip
Puma sound clip
Tiger Growl Hollow 1
Tiger Growl Hollow 2
Leopard hiss
Leopard roar snarl
Snow leopard snarl 01
Snow leopard snarl 02
Lion massive growl 01
Lion massive growl 02
Boards form Lions

This playlist includes audio clips of all the great and beautiful big cats like lions, pumas, cougars and more. Careful, not domesticated.

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