Lindsay interview remix and sound bites

This soundboard contains a remix of interviews of Lindsay Lohan as well as some sound bites to pranks. Also includes a spoof Lindsey did on herself regarding "looking for love".

Category: Celebrities   Tracks: 11   Views: 2054  

by Tom Sheffield - 11 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Lindsay seaching her underwear
Lindsay Lohan Spoofs Herself
Lindsay - And I am Searching
Lindsay - But At the end of the day
Lindsay - I mean don't pretend - we all read about it
Lindsay - Hi my name is Lindsey and I'm searching for
Lindsay - Just my underwear
Lindsay - We'll Crash a few parties a car or 2
Lindsay - Thank you
Lindsay - Pass Out
Boards form Tom Sheffield
Tom Sheffield

This soundboard contains a remix of interviews of Lindsay Lohan as well as some sound bites to pranks. Also includes a spoof Lindsey did on herself regarding "looking for love".

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