New Soundboards

20 Tracks 107336 Views

Sometimes irreverent, always dramatic, William Shatner played the captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise on the classic Star Trek TV show. Bill got his start in improv comedy.

22 Tracks 76127 Views

Part Human Part Vulcan, Leonard Nimoy played Mr. Spock on the wildly popular TV show Star Trek. Here are a collection of fascinating and flawlessly logical audio clips.

51 Tracks 4255 Views


1 Tracks 1512 Views

10 Tracks 106533 Views

Who can deny the musical genius of Jack Black?

29 Tracks 300229 Views

Funny quotes by Jack Black, many from movies, some from appearances on Saturday Night Live. Some Mature language.

8 Tracks 54261 Views

This soundboard is for one of my heroes - the greatest and most influential athlete of the 20th century - Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay).

7 Tracks 1402 Views

6 Tracks 1182 Views

10 Tracks 12757 Views


22 Tracks 93899 Views

So funny he deserves his own soundboard. Steve Stifler, the Stifmeister, makes all the American Pie movies consistently funny. Enjoy f*ckers!

3 Tracks 1142 Views

1 Tracks 810 Views

2 Tracks 773 Views

13 Tracks 26695 Views

funny Christmas music. for those out there struggling to get in the Christmas spirit.

1 Tracks 669 Views

3 Tracks 2980 Views


33 Tracks 57207 Views

My flagship board on The CD Networks

10 Tracks 20941 Views

Music analyst Kevin Seal (of Griddle) and San Francisco band 20 Minute Loop to lead you through the basics of vocal harmony.

9 Tracks 17776 Views

Me and friends having a laugh with the great sounds we make

27 Tracks 261708 Views

It's Team America - f*ck yeah! It's got everything: action, witty dialogue, diabolical enemy and hot puppet sex. Mature language - f*ck yeah!

13 Tracks 39631 Views

Let me tell you somethin' about The Dude: he likes his beverages, his jays and his rugs. He's got some crazy friends and a penchant for being underestimated.

7 Tracks 20137 Views

Welcome to the 'duuuude' board whereby we play you audio clips showing you the many uses and meanings of the word 'dude'. Track title is the meaning behind the 'dude'.

2 Tracks 904 Views

15 Tracks 141903 Views

Funny quotes and sound bites from the career of SNL comedian Chris Farley 1964-1997. Rest in peace, you are missed.

8 Tracks 10991 Views

Christmas stories perfect for kids and the whole family here. Scandinavian screwball Axel Torgeson from the Twin Cities children's TV show "Axel and His Dog" is here. More clips from Carmen, Clancy and Willie circa 1954-1966 also!

10 Tracks 219750 Views

Burps belches and earthshaking guturral explosions.

10 Tracks 14244 Views

Drones produced by several different instruments including the Tambura. Let yourself relax and enter a trance of peace and awareness with these sound clips.

13 Tracks 69722 Views

As funny as the Real Men of Genius commercials but with a different slant, these ads by Budlight are as inventive as it gets. Drink responsibly.

18 Tracks 111974 Views

He's Fierce. He's unstoppable. His wife has boobs the size of milk jugs. RUN!

1 Tracks 650 Views

17 Tracks 65873 Views

It's a tradition every year, to watch the Charlie Brown Christmas special. This show is like "It's a wonderful life" in cartoon form, I love it!

18 Tracks 57718 Views

Some of the more common Japanese phrases are spoken for you to listen and practice.

18 Tracks 16906 Views

George Harrison was the lead guitarist of The Beatles. His interests in Indian music and Hinduism during his lifetime made a mark on the music scene and helped bring about the psychedelic rock genre.

17 Tracks 26326 Views

Sir Paul McCartney, known for his tender love songs and propensity for writing strong melodies with The Beatles talks about his life as a musician, husband and more here.