Call of Duty 4 sounds - 4

Call of Duty 4s levels are phenomenal! The battlefield sounds really take the cake, however, with tons of crisp effects like gunfire and explosions this game is worthy of a surround sound system. Listen to this!

Category: Games   Tracks: 22   Views: 27632  

by Beng Dy - 22 tracks    Full Board $4.99
We may have lost the battle but not the war
Take no prisoners
We are victorious well done comerade
We have been defeted comerade
We've lost the lead
We've taken the lead
Yeah hoorah
Target down
Target destroyed
Target neutralized
Suitcase pick up
Search and destroy
Enemy uav air
Friendly air
Friendly heli
Heli support
Mission fail
Mission fail 2
Our uav online
Boards form Beng Dy
Beng Dy

Call of Duty 4s levels are phenomenal! The battlefield sounds really take the cake, however, with tons of crisp effects like gunfire and explosions this game is worthy of a surround sound system. Listen to this!

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