Gecko Sounds

"Gecko" is the common name for any of about 65 species of small lizards. They are unique among lizards in their ability to make chirping or clicking sounds. The name "gecko" is a derivative of a Malay word that is an imitation of a lizard's call.

Category: Animals/Nature   Tracks: 12   Views: 174859  

by Beng Dy - 12 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Male Gecko Mating Call
Leopard Gecko Scream
Web-Footed Gecko
Crested Gecko
Female Tokay- Warning call 1
Female Tokay- Warning call 2
Gecko sound 1
Gecko sound 2
Peguensis chirp
Petrii call
Namib Sand Gecko
Boards form Beng Dy
Beng Dy

"Gecko" is the common name for any of about 65 species of small lizards. They are unique among lizards in their ability to make chirping or clicking sounds. The name "gecko" is a derivative of a Malay word that is an imitation of a lizard's call.

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