Hillary Rodham Clinton

The wife of former president Bill Clinton has thrown her hat in the ring for the upcoming 2008 Presidential election. A lawyer, Democrat and U.S. Senator from New York, she would be the first female President in U.S. History.

Category: Politics   Tracks: 10   Views: 16012  

by Deanna Molstad - 10 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Announces she will run for Pres.
A Clinton Christmas - The View
Regain Global Respect - The View
1992 Campaign Bus
Right Wing Republicans
Serious Offense
Fufill the Public's Needs - The View
Supporting President Bill Clinton
Running Mate Joe Lieberman
The American Dream & Children First
Boards form Deanna Molstad
Deanna Molstad

The wife of former president Bill Clinton has thrown her hat in the ring for the upcoming 2008 Presidential election. A lawyer, Democrat and U.S. Senator from New York, she would be the first female President in U.S. History.

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