Sound FX (50179 Tracks)
Hear several sounds of these places where we can eat, play, shop and where most of us love to hang out, shopping malls.
Engine sounds of various Ferrari sports cars and race cars. Italian made perfection!
Here are the best Horror and Halloween messages perfect for your answering machines.
The Twilight Zone took chances by experimenting with many different kinds of stories and material, and by aiming to provide high-quality entertainment while simultaneously giving you something to think about. Here's some of the sounds that took part in the series.
Some strange sound effects put together that we use for a Swarthmore college radio show!
Movie Lover, Love watching the latest moviez!!!!! what would the world be without moviez, Themes of the fav movies and anime!!
Elevators are the crucial element that makes it practical to live and work dozens of stories above ground. High-rise cities like New York absolutely depend on elevators. Even in smaller multi-story buildings, elevators are essential for making offices and apartments accessible to handicapped people.
Here's Jungle and Techno Loops. These are royalty free loops you can use for your music Creator name is Birkan Ozkan.
The B-17 Flying Fortress served in every World War II combat zone, but it is best known for daylight strategic bombing of German industrial targets. Check out the clips here!
Sounds form the Star Trek computer. The one aboard the original tv series was as delightful as a modern gps on menopause.
Rhodes pianos were among the most distinguished instruments of the new musical era. Its sound became a trade-mark of R&B, funk, jazz, soul and all intermediary music genres. Styx, Chicago, Eagles were some of the artists who used this instrument.
Listen to the sounds of modern aiplanes here. Clips of US Military aircraft including stealth ships and bombers. Also hear the NASA X-43a scramjet which is the fastest airplane that can travel at 7000 mph.
CASIO CSM-1 is a module version of their PCM Casiotones. It has sounds in it that via midi you can play with another keyboard or software. So if one has many Casios and needs to find room to put a mattress on the floor and sleep the CSM-1 is a godsend.
The Sounds of the Sea... Maritime, Ocean and Harbor sound effects, with boat horns, bells, ship's sounds, creaking masts, and waves. We are lulled into deep sleep by sounds of distant foghorns, dreaming of tomorrow?s voyage.
You may use these royalty-free loops in any commercial production, whether it be music production, video, game or flash music tracks. These are HipHop & Drum & Bass music loops.
This soundboard features very rare vintage Russian Synthesizers manufactured in the Katchkanar factory during the cold war. Audio samples of the classic Polivoks, Maestro, Formanta ES-01 & Faemi 1M.
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This is the ultimate Duke Nukem soundboard, with new stuff added as I find it. All of the classic one liners with a few extras! There have been new tracks added. If you only see 41, clear your browser cache!
Yb Better + Ratio + Loud = funny bozos (Suggest sum stuff you would want me to upload in the comments)
The ultimate Gears of War soundboard featuring clips from your favorite COG and Locust characters. (May contain spoilers) XBL: Crimson Carmine
Beam your phone up with these great ringtones from the Star Trek tv series. Sound effects from the star ships, computers and actors are here.
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