New Soundboards
Lester Burnham, a suburban father in a mid-life crisis, decides to rebel againest his meaningless life after developing a crush on his daughter's cheerleader friend. A bittersweet drama with dark humor. Won the Oscar for best movie in 1999.
Kind of Like a modern day Nostradamus, world renowned psychic Sylvia Browne predicts what will happen in the coming year. Last year's 2006 predictions are also included for fact checkers. Audio from Montel Williams show.
Say goodbye in 10 languages
Ambient audio recordings that put the listener right in the middle of an environment. Many of these sound effects illustrate places well.
In poems and music the source of love is said to come from the heart. Medical science has shown us that the human heart beat keeps us alive and going. Listen to the various beats and murmurs of our body's most vital organ in these audio clips.
The largest of living primates found mostly in the jungles of Africa. Also, the next closest living relative to humans after the two chimpanzee species.
Real audio recordings of wild wolves out in nature. Are they alone? On the hunt? Baying at the full moon? Either way, a wolves' lonely howling can send a chill down your spine.
Known as the king of the jungle, the lion has held a special place in legends and lore throughout time. This sound board contains natural sounds vocalized by these majestic big cats.
Swingers Movie sound clips including the hilarious Vince Vaughn. We're going to Vegas baby!
Hilarious audio clips from the movie Super Troopers written by the principal cast, credited as Broken Lizard, and directed by Jay Chandrasekhar. Adult language.
Funny audio quotes from the witty gay lawyer Will Truman,of Will & Grace. Actor Eric McCormack plays him. The show is in syndication now but with 16 Emmys over the years it still has legions of fans.
Psychic Sylvia Browne appears regularly on the Montel Williams tv show answering audience questions. Either she's the best cold call hukster alive or she has an amazing gift. Sylvia claims to be 85% correct.
Turkish traditional music clips. These are the most known Turkish songs.
Skilled and timely poet James Langston Hughes was a member of an abolitionist family. He was the great-great-grandson of Charles Henry Langston, brother of John Mercer Langston, who was the first Black American to be elected to public office.
Seals may be popular at zoos and aquariums performing tricks, but many arctic seals are in trouble. Canada had a commercial hunt quota of 335,000 in 2006 and exceded that. Listen to the expressive almost human quality of seal voices here.
The Spotted Hyena, or Laughing Hyena, is the largest and best-known member of the hyena family. Living mostly in the deserts of Africa, they usually hunt in clans of 40 or more. The females can be Hyper Aggressive dominate the males.
A dark comedy following the rise and fall of a young, handsome, uneducated teenager who becomes porn star Dirk Diggler. A star studded cast of Mark Wahlberg, Burt Reynolds, Heather Graham and more parody the adult industry. Adult language.
No apes sounds here, various smaller Monkeys recorded in nature. A couple rungs back on Darwin's evolutionary ladder, still, some of the faces look like young humans and the behavior is similar. Give a listen.
Funny movie about a fraternity of sex starved nerds. Some adult language.
Grace lays down some funny audio quotes from the Will & Grace tv show. One of the wittiest comedies on the tube. Grace of course was played by actress Debra Messing, who was a fag hag of sorts to roomate Will.
These are turkish phrases, usefull when you travel to Turkey and want to confuse the locals in to submission.
These songs fully created and sung by me. They were sung in the Turkish language. I have many more songs, but at the moment i'm still working on them. I hope you like.