The Truth About Tobacco

This soundboard was posted by Our main goal is to better inform the public about the ill effects of smoking and tobacco use. This soundboard contains informative recordings and inspirational recordings to help people who are trying to quit smoking. Thank you for visiting our soundboard and we hope it's of use to you.

Category: Personal   Tracks: 5   Views: 2081  

by The Truth About Tobacco - 5 tracks
Informational 1
Informational 2
Inspirational 1
Inspirational 2
Inspirational 3
Boards form The Truth About Tobacco
The Truth About Tobacco

This soundboard was posted by Our main goal is to better inform the public about the ill effects of smoking and tobacco use. This soundboard contains informative recordings and inspirational recordings to help people who are trying to quit smoking. Thank you for visiting our soundboard and we hope it's of use to you.

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