Allen Ginsberg - Interviews and Poems

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) was an American Beat poet and political activist. He was best known for "Howl" a long poem about the self-destruction of his Beat Generation friends and the forces of materialism and conformity in U.S. at the time.

Category: Politics   Tracks: 12   Views: 4874  

by Emanuel Enea - 12 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Are you still on FBI files
Howl - read by Ginsberg (26 min.)
American Ballad of Skeletons
Ego Confessions
I consider myself..
Do you still maintain contact
A Supermarket in California
If we adopted the english system
It was a pleasant agreement
Try to read it
Boards form Emanuel Enea
Emanuel Enea

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) was an American Beat poet and political activist. He was best known for "Howl" a long poem about the self-destruction of his Beat Generation friends and the forces of materialism and conformity in U.S. at the time.

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