Cheech and Chong Soundboard
I double dare you to tell me that when you hear the names Cheech and Chong you dont smile, chuckle and recall a funny, hazy moment in your life. Richard Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong created memorable and iconic characters that still resonate with fans today. Adult Language
by Penny Modesto - 30 tracks
Just thought of something funny
Pedro Depacus man
Almost gave you the wrong shit
Score some smoke
Chilly chokin' in pepperbelly
Is that a joint man
Light it up Lets get chinese eyed
It's me Pedro man
James, the bass player
Yeah right Pedro man
Slept in a ditch
Bye bye Lardass
F_ckin' vodka man
I can get you smoke
Get something for ya lardass
We're smokin' dog shit
Mind if I have a bite
Is it heavy stuff man
How ya doin' man
I ain't high
We play everything
You make me sick
You wanna get high man
What kind of joint is this
Weirded out in Nam
This is Sgt Stadinko
Looking for smoke

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Boards form Penny Modesto
I double dare you to tell me that when you hear the names Cheech and Chong you dont smile, chuckle and recall a funny, hazy moment in your life. Richard Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong created memorable and iconic characters that still resonate with fans today. Adult Language
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