Crystal Castles Soundboard

Crystal Castles is one of the first arcade game from 1983. Take a moment to collect all the gems you can, without running into trees, a witch, or any of those nasty gem eaters!

Category: Games   Tracks: 14   Views: 5179  

by Beng Dy - 14 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Intro Music
Grabbing the magic hat
Bentley dying
Extra Bentley Bear
Game Over Sound
Bee buzzing
Bee timer warning
Change from 1 screen to next
Got the last gem
High score
Missed the last gem
Turning on the game
Warp Sound
Boards form Beng Dy
Beng Dy

Crystal Castles is one of the first arcade game from 1983. Take a moment to collect all the gems you can, without running into trees, a witch, or any of those nasty gem eaters!

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