Dark Heresy

A collection of sound effects for a role playing game based in a dystopian future space world.

Category: Other   Tracks: 71   Views: 940  

by Anne Clifton - 71 tracks
Animal-Bird Calls
Animal- Distant Whinny
Animal- Horse Snorting
Animal- Horse Knicker
Animal- Poultry in Yard
Animal- Chickens
Animal- Cow Mooing
Animal- Herd of Cattle
Animal- Snake Rattle
Animal- Coyote Howls on Prairie
Animal- Donkey Braying
Animal- Distant Roar
Animal- Beastly Grumble
Creaky Door Opening
Damage-Wood Breaking
Damage-Wood Breaking 2
Damage- Vase Breaking
Digital- Electrical Wires Failing
Digital- Motor Starting and Whirring
Digital- Keyboard Clacking
Digital- beep
Digital- beep 2
Digital- beep 3
Human- Whispers
Human- Marching Soldiers
Human- Footsteps on Wood
Human- Footsteps on Stone
Human- Footsteps in Leaves
Human- Evil Chant
Human- Angry Mob
Human- Talking Crowd
Small Explosion
Large Explosion
Explosion in Space
Spacecraft Flyby 3
Hollow Knock
Knock on Wooden Door
Rattling Chains
Crackling Fire
Church Bells Tolling
Spacecraft Flyby
Spacecraft Flyby 2
Alert 1
Music- Rim Shot
Music- Sad Trombone
Music- Drama Sound
Music- Elevator Music
Music- Space Odyssey Theme
Music- X-Files Theme
Music- Ominous/Futuristic Humming
Music- Cantina Band
Weapon- Shotgun
Weapon- Canon Shot
Weapon- Laser Canon
Weapon- Arrow
Weapon- Laser Fire
Weapon- Laser Fire 2
Weapon- Laser Fire 3
Weapon- Laser Fire 4
Weapon- Laser Fire 5
Weapon- Laser Fire 6
Weapon- Laser Weapon Fire 6
Weather- Heavy Rain
Weather- Gentle Thunder
Evening Ambience
Weather- Rushing Wind
Weather- Thunderstorm
Boards form Anne Clifton
Anne Clifton

A collection of sound effects for a role playing game based in a dystopian future space world.

Anne Clifton

A personal collection of sound effects that might prove useful during rpg adventures.

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