by Jason Booth - 22 tracks Full Board $4.99
Elvis Presley 1935-1977
JFK Shot first Radio Report
JFK Shot First TV Report
John F Kennedy 1917-1963
Martin Luther King Jr 1929-1968
Robert F Kennedy 1925-1968
RFK Assassination pt 2
Anna Nicole Smith 1967-2007
John Lennon 1940-1980
John Lennon (description of death)
Marilyn Monroe 1926-1962
Princess Diana 1961-1997
Princess Diana - Tony Blair Speaks
Princess Diana - The Queen Speaks
Jimi Hendrix - 1942-1970
Ed Bradley 1941-2066
Marlon Brando 1924-2004
Johnny Carson 1925-2005
John Ritter 1948 - 2003
Pope John Paul II - 1920-2005
Saddam Hussein 1937 - 2006
Kurt Cobain 1966-1944

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Historical news reports of the sad and often untimely deaths of famous people, celebrities and important political figures.
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