Electric Shock Soundboard

Faulty appliances, damaged or frayed cords or extension leads, incorrect or deteriorated household wiring, downed power lines, these are some of the causes of electric shock. Here are some of the sounds when we're encountering electric shocks.

Category: Sound FX   Tracks: 10   Views: 34131  

by Beng Dy - 10 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Electric spark sound 1
Electric spark sound 2
Electric spark sound 3
Electric shock 1
Electric shock 2
Electric chair fry
Electric chair hum
Electric charge
Electric Current
Electric static shocks
Boards form Beng Dy
Beng Dy

Faulty appliances, damaged or frayed cords or extension leads, incorrect or deteriorated household wiring, downed power lines, these are some of the causes of electric shock. Here are some of the sounds when we're encountering electric shocks.

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