Pissed Off Canadian

From my call to this guy using a Frank Garrett Soundboard

Category: Prank Calls   Tracks: 102   Views: 10001  

by Raito Yagami - 102 tracks
14 + smith
14 + smith 2
14 + smith rant
14 + smith you gonna be there
all you can do is swear
are you a queer
buck buck buck
call on the telephone rant
can't even swear good
can't face men
chicken hiding behind phone rant
choke your scrawny neck
come and meet me boy
come down tomorrow afternoon
corner of 14 + smith
deserve to be stamped out
did I tell you to talk
do you understand where I'm coming from
do yourself a favor
enjoy life
FG speaking
find someone else
fucking deadbeat
gay bar line
get off doing
get off swearing
get your name
give me a big mouthful now
hell + devil
hey boy
hide behind non listed number
I can't hear ya
I'll get that phone tracked
is that all you can do there
is that how you get off
is that how you get off 2
keep it up
let's dance
let's dance queer boy
like being a queer
listen until I tell you to talk
looking for ya
meet + see how good you are
middle of the night line
name slimebag
neck squeezed like a lemon
no value of life
no you don't
not gonna have any phone
people choke your chicken neck
phone disconnected
phone number traced
queer boy
queer rant
queers on telephone rant
show that face of yours
show you what death is all about
slime bag queer
swear like a big man
tell me this and that
that's all you are
that's what worms like you need
then you'll have nobody to talk to
there's ways to find out who you are
this you queer boy
understand where I'm coming from
walk all over your face
what are you
what do you talk about
what do you talk about 2
what do you want queer boy
what do you want queer boy 2
what kind of slimebag
what's it like
what's it like 2
what's your name
white on rice
who are you
why are you calling queer boy
why don't we do that
why don't you come and meet me
wring your little neck
you don't give a shit
you don't talk to me unless asked
you got it
you just take a hike
you like being a fag
you ready for that
you thought I died
you wanna meet me
you wanna meet tomorrow
you're a chicken rant
you're a tough guy
you're a tough guy 2
you're a tough guy 3
you're a worm
you're making a lot of gibberish
you're nothing
Boards form Raito Yagami
Raito Yagami

From my call to this guy using a Frank Garrett Soundboard

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