Little Girl Ghosts - EVP recordings

Most people, when they learn about Electronic Voice Phenomenon, are very interested in trying to make their own recordings to capture voices. Typically, but not always, they are short having a length of only one word or a short phrase. Listen to these young girl ghosts here...

Category: Animals/Nature   Tracks: 10   Views: 9058  

by Penny Modesto - 10 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Help me find mommy
He's gonna hurt us
Saying Mama and screaming
Can you see my friend
A girl saying Get Out
Do it again Lena
Hello my name is Paula
Get in here
I did naughty things
Boards form Penny Modesto
Penny Modesto

Most people, when they learn about Electronic Voice Phenomenon, are very interested in trying to make their own recordings to capture voices. Typically, but not always, they are short having a length of only one word or a short phrase. Listen to these young girl ghosts here...

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