
Villain quotes for the Gradual Life and Death Override System, who tantalizes players as they advice through her lair. GLaDOS is a parody of GLaDOS from Portal, and her quotes often reflect famous lines and jokes from the Portal series.

Category: Personal   Tracks: 15   Views: 4308  

by Alexander Augunas - 15 tracks
W1 - Sub Artic Conditions
W2 - Snappy Dressers
W3 - Two and a Half Tons of Water
W4 - Make Fun of Your Stupidity
W5 - Party Escort Position
W6 - Take it Or Drown
W7 - For Science
W8 - Unconscious Jack Taunt
W9 - Sherrielle Taunt
W10 - Jule Taunt
W11 - Braven Taunt
W12 - You Got Lucky
W13 - Omar Taunt
W14 - Observatory
W15 - Thank You and Enjoy Your Flight
Boards form Alexander Augunas
Alexander Augunas

Villain quotes for the Gradual Life and Death Override System, who tantalizes players as they advice through her lair. GLaDOS is a parody of GLaDOS from Portal, and her quotes often reflect famous lines and jokes from the Portal series.

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