
Category: My Music   Tracks: 28   Views: 708  

by s raminick - 28 tracks
Hotel Mario - Pesky Plumbers
Hotel Mario - Bowser!
Hotel Mario - Spaghetti!
Hotel Mario - All Toasters Toast Toast
Hotel Mario - You Gotta Help Us
Hotel Mario - You Know What They Say...
Zelda - Octarock!
Zelda - Bombs
Zelda - Lamp Oil
Zelda - Rope
Zelda - Squadula! We Are Off!
Zelda - Join Or Die!
Zelda - Die!
Zelda - Not The Pit!
Zelda - Not The Chains!
Mario Shows - Or, Is It The Bagel?
Mario Shows - (Luigi HELP Scream)
Sonic - Pengas!
Mario Shows - Mama Luigi
Mario Shows - Meatball
Dr. Rabbit - Hello! I'm Dr. Rabbit!
Volvic - Breakfast!
Volvic - Have You For Breakfast!
Dr. Rabbit - (YTP) Time To Die!
Zelda - You must DIE!
Other - Lotta' Beeps