Napolean Dynamite Soundboard 1
Napoleon Dynamite, Jon Heder is the typical sad-sack, luckless loser that has permeated high schools for seemingly centuries. He is about as odd a duck as you'd find in high school, and yet he still manages to survive with his dignity intact.
by Beng Dy - 26 tracks
Listen to your heart
Guys retarded
Delicious bass
Doesn't work
Don't feel good
Get out of my life
Get some ham
Go for it
Grandma called
How is it goin?
Killer time
Lake Lochness
Large talons
Medieval warrior
Napoleon Dynamite
Off my property
Offers protection
Piece of crap
Upper lip

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Boards form Beng Dy
Napoleon Dynamite, Jon Heder is the typical sad-sack, luckless loser that has permeated high schools for seemingly centuries. He is about as odd a duck as you'd find in high school, and yet he still manages to survive with his dignity intact.
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