Officer Dan Harless

My favorite police officer.

Category: Media   Tracks: 64   Views: 9195  

by Dakota - 64 tracks
Youre ridiculous man
Youre just a stupid human being
You want me to pull mine and stick it to your head
You understand me
You open your mouth
You move and I will shoot you
You lying son of a bitch
You know what I shoulda done
You fucking move Ill shoot you in the head
You fuck with me
You are supposed to say that right off the goddamn bat
What is the first thing youre supposed to do
This is what scorches my ass
This is a big responsibilty and it appears that you cant do that
Theres a goddamn gun in this car
The hell is wrong with you now
Thats crazy
Thats bullshit
Swear to god man
Stupid people
Stupid idiot
Pulled my glock 40
People like you dont deserve to fucking move through our public
Now get the hell out of here
My ass
Lying bastard
Let me see your fucking hands
Let me explain this to ya
Laydown and shutup
Im tired of it
Im telling you what motherfucker
Im so close to caving in your goddamn head
Ill shoot you in the face and Ill go to sleep tonight
Ill send you both to the grave
Ill put you in the grave
Ill kill everyone of you motherfuckers
I tell you what I shoulda done
I take this pretty damn seriously
I shoulda took two steps back
I find you one more time tonight im gonna put lumps on ya
I dont think its cool dummy
I dont believe a shit nothing
I didnt see shit
I could blast you right in the mouth
Goddamn liar
Get the hell out of this car
Get the fuck out before I shoot you
Get lost
Fucking idiot
Fucking asshole
Dont move you hear me
Dont fucking move
Dont fucking fart wrong you understand me
Does that make sense
Do not fucking move a muscle
Cuz youre too stupid to understand
Cuz youre stupid
Are you stupid
Are you shitting me