by Rando Dood - 189 tracks
You think youre bad
You wont stop me
Youre dead
Youre done (2)
Youre done
Youre in deep s#$t now
Youre no match for me
Youre nothing to me
Youre nothing
Youre up against the wall and I am the f@#king wall
You cant stop me
You didn't listen
You f@#ked up big time
You got no chance
You made a bad call
You made a very bad mistake
You shouldve given up back there
You shouldve listen
You stepped in it
You think thats gonna stop me
Wanna bang heads
Watch me crush this guy
Whats this amature hour
Where are you
Who wants a piece of me (2)
Who wants a piece of me
Who wants a piece of the elite
Who wants to die
World of hurt coming up
You can still give up b!@#h
This one belongs to me
This ones mine
This wont end well for you
This wont take long
Time for some payback (2)
Time for some payback
Time to send you to hell
Too bad
Too little too late
Total annialation in three two one
Stand back
Stay alive so I can kill you myself
Stay back
Target down
That wont stop me
Thats all you got only four of em
Thats it
Theres only four of em
Theyre still alive
This guys no match
Please stay ailve a little bit longer so I can kill you myself
S#$t just got real
Say your prayers
See just like I said
Shoot em up
Show me what you got
Show me where they are
Sorry a$$hole
Next bullet got your name on it
No payday for you
Now you got my attention
Oh hes gonna pay
Oh I see em now
Oh Im ready
Oh s#$t
Ok Im here who wants to die (2)
Ok Im here who wants to die
One down kiss your a$$ goodbye
Lets see what you got
Like I said
Make way for the bulldozer
Make way for the DOOOZER
Make way for the dozer b!@#h
Make way
Move aside I got this (2)
Move aside I got this
Move aside
Muahaha haha
Im unstopable
Imma drop on these s#$t heads like a f@#king piano
Imma kick your a$$
Impressive but futile
It always ends the same
Just a matter time
Just wait till I find you
Justice served
Lets finish this (2)
Lets finish this
ILL end you
ILL f@#k you up
ILL kick your a$$
ILL pick these suckers apart
ILL put you down with or without my visor
ILL take of this one myself
ILL take this one all on my own
ILL take this one
Im screwed
Im their problem now
I gottem
I hear you you are so f@#ked
I know youre there
I said this would happen
I said youd die
I told you youd die
I told you
I will break you
ILL crush you with or without visor
ILL deal with this one
Hide while you can
Holy s#$t
Hope you got a plot picked out
Hope you like the heat youre gonna pay
How do you think this is gonna end
I bring the pain
I cant wait to get my hands on you
I give this guy five seconds
I got this (2)
I got this
Haha suckers
He had it coming
He wasnt so tough after all
Here comes some f@#king hurt
Here comes the pain
Here to end this
Hes dead
Hes done
Gonna be hot where youre going
Gonna break some s#$t
Gonna drop a building on em
Gonna send you to hell
Gonna show you the light at the end of the tunnel
Gonna wish he stayed home
Got you a$$hole
Got you s#$t bag
Ha like that would stop me
Haha he got what he deserved
F@#king amatures
F@#king hell
Find somewhere good to hide
Get out of the way these sons of b!@#hes are going down
Get ready
Give me some room to work
Give up and maybe I wont stomp a mud hole in your a$$
Give up
Going to work
Death penilty in three two one
Do you even know how f@#ked you are
Do your worst
Dont mess with me
Dont you think you should leave now
Dozer in the house bringing some hurt
Dozer in the house
Dozers here and ready for action
Enjoy hell
Eyes on tango
Cant do anything to me
Cant stop me
Career criminals my a$$
Clobbering time
Come on out where ever you are (2)
Come on out where ever you are
Come out and play
Coming through (2)
Coming through
Aw all over
Aw f@#k
Back the f@#k uo
Big mistake
Bring em on
Bringth the pain
Bulldozer coming through
Bulldozer going in
Bulldozer time (2)
Bulldozer time
A$$ kicking time (2)
A$$ kicking time
Ah oh dont kill yourself or anything that honors mine
Alirght where are they
Alright going in (2)
Alright going in
Alright here and ready to kick a$$
Alright watch and learn
Alright where are they
And stay down dirtbag

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Boards form Rando Dood
Ok I am back with the 189 voicelines of the bulldozer because my account randomly disappeared so here I am again.
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