Crap on My Porch Prank Calls

The infamous "You pooed on my porch!" prank audio recordings. Plus short sound bytes of the caller's questions.

Category: Prank Calls   Tracks: 18   Views: 41229  

by Jason Booth - 18 tracks    Full Board $4.99
You pooed on my porch! - pt.1
The Boxes - pt. 3
Late Last night
had a poo on my porch
I have pictures to prove
DNA proof
Poo in the bottle for me?
Yes you did
I don't want you doing that again
In my mailbox too
The Apology - pt.2
On the front step
Would you ever?
Audrey Fitzmorris
You had a poo on my porch
Boards form Jason Booth
Jason Booth

The infamous "You pooed on my porch!" prank audio recordings. Plus short sound bytes of the caller's questions.

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