Quake game sounds

Rad sounds from the first-person shooter computer video game that was released by id Software on June 22, 1996. The popular Quake series has sold 4 million copies worldwide.

Category: Games   Tracks: 27   Views: 37575  

by Jason Booth - 27 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Quake Normal Prepare
Quake Normal Headshot
Quake Normal WickedSick
Quake Normal Monsterkill
Quake Female Unstoppable
Quake Normal Humiliation
Quake Female Godlike
Quake Normal Dominating
Biker - Taunt
Quake Normal Firstblood
Quake Female Firstblood
Quake Female Headshot
Biker - Pain 100%
Quake Female Humiliation
Quake Female Multikill
Quake Female Wickedsick
Quake Normal Doublekill
Quake Normal GodLike
Quake Normal LudicrousKill
Biker - Death 1
Biker - Death 2
Biker - Death 3
Biker - Pain 25%
Biker - Pain 50%
Biker - Pain 75%
Quake Normal KillingSpree
Quake Normal UltraKill
Boards form Jason Booth
Jason Booth

Rad sounds from the first-person shooter computer video game that was released by id Software on June 22, 1996. The popular Quake series has sold 4 million copies worldwide.

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