Roger The Alien
Roger the Alien is a sophisticated alien residing with the Smith family from the comedy animated series American Dad. He disguises himself and blends in as a normal person by wearing human clothes and accessories. This mischievous alien spends most of his time drinking alcohol and munching mostly junk food. Adult Language
by Penny Modesto - 29 tracks
Face of history
Blinded us with science
Chinese again
Letter of apology
All is lost
Don't be startin'
Don't die on me
Finish my story
Follow that bitch
Game on
Gullible idiot
I beg your pardon
I'm sure
Not the boss
Same question
Scary up close
Sneaky little bastard
They're creepy
Things turned ugly
Treat me like a doormat
Why they invented therapy
What the hell
Boards form Penny Modesto
Roger the Alien is a sophisticated alien residing with the Smith family from the comedy animated series American Dad. He disguises himself and blends in as a normal person by wearing human clothes and accessories. This mischievous alien spends most of his time drinking alcohol and munching mostly junk food. Adult Language
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Daniel Laemmerhirt • 7 years ago -