Noobs on Tape

Sound clips from the Noobs on Tape series.

Category: Media   Tracks: 16   Views: 4435  

by Ryan Zero - 16 tracks
NoT Yoda: Blue Shirt
NoT Yoda: Finger
NoT Yoda: Finger2
NoT Yoda: Gargoyle
NoT Yoda: Hard
NoT Yoda: In Front
NoT Yoda: Killed Yoda
NoT Yoda: Knocked Off
NoT Yoda: Monster
NoT Yoda: No it's Not
NoT Yoda: Oogy Boogy/Lied to me
NoT Yoda: Pushed
NoT Yoda: Rocket
NoT Yoda: Waahhh
NoT Yoda: Where's Yoda
NoT Yoda: Yoda Man
Boards form Ryan Zero
Ryan Zero

Sound clips from the Noobs on Tape series.

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