
Direct from the home of The League of Gentlemen comes a fantastic follow up, Psychoville. Soundbites taken from ep1 series1. More to follow

Category: Television   Tracks: 19   Views: 5521  

by Ian Frampton - 19 tracks
mr lomax - bin still here
cashier number 3 please
mr jelly - are you trying to be funny
mr jelly - i can manage thank you
mr jelly - mr jelly totally different act
mr jelly - trevor call mr jolly
mr jelly - what do you think this is a tattoo
mr jelly - wheres the birthday princess
mr jelly - you dont get that with my jolly thank you
mr lomax - alright tea leaf
mr lomax - damm they wont be told
mr lomax - fingers in the pick n mix
mum - come and give your mum a kiss
mum - go get the dustpan
mum son bye bye love
son - another murder 1
son - another murder 2
son - fuck pig short
son - fuck pig
Boards form Ian Frampton
Ian Frampton

Direct from the home of The League of Gentlemen comes a fantastic follow up, Psychoville. Soundbites taken from ep1 series1. More to follow

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