Shrek The Halls soundboard
The not-so-jolly green giant returns in this television Christmas special. When he promises his new family that he will provide them a festive family Christmas, Shrek has to learn the meaning of Christmas. It is the greatest holiday tale that's never been told...
by Beng Dy - 15 tracks
Bah Humbug
Ogres don't celebrate
Beat the holiday traffic
Better be good
Christmas For Village Idiots
Christmas is a nightmare
Get your marshmallows
I don't care about Christmas
No one gives a hoot
Perfect Christmas
Shamed myself
Show you the magic
Very inappropriate

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Boards form Beng Dy
The not-so-jolly green giant returns in this television Christmas special. When he promises his new family that he will provide them a festive family Christmas, Shrek has to learn the meaning of Christmas. It is the greatest holiday tale that's never been told...
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