by james - 38 tracks
you still couldnt kill me bitch
yall gettin yo asses raped
we gonna stop dc
This bitch is stupid
takes 3 of yall niggas to kill me
still didnt get me nigga
nigga you dived me
like i said lets take this turret
its too late already teleported
he had to babysit bot
he dived me like 5 times
get mad kid get mad
Dc laugh2
Dc laugh
Yall niggas need some practice
Yall niggas dying already
Yall need to take turret
WTF this nigga got shrooms all in there
Who the fack is gonna surrender if they have all turrets
what the gold shit mean
Thought yall niggas was decent
this nigga chogath babysittin top
There goes teemo run
still wondering how yall lost your lane that quick
oh shit wtf she just two hit me
Now is the time to go mid and finish of that turret
kill brand
im like wtf
Ill die for this turret fuck that shit
I never lose my turret first
Finish that nigga off and push mid
eat some more bacon tranks
Damn WTF
Damn they bout to take my second turret
Damn now ma turret gone
Damn couldnt lay down my shroom in time wtf
Bottle of piss
Tf get that nigga get that mutha fucka

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