Soviet Songs
The Soviet Union was the name of the Russian collective of communist countries for many years. Let's try to look outside the frame of usual stereotypes and try to understand life of the former soviet union, with it's unique history and national songs.
by Penny Modesto - 15 tracks
The International
The Soviet National Anthem 1944
The Soviet National Anthem 1977
Pals, we must not grow old in our hearts
Workers' Marseillaise
You fell victims
And the Battle Continues
Bravely, comrades, to arms
Little club
Moscow in May
O Glorious Sea, Holy Baikal
Over the sea, across the waves
The sea streches wide
There, far, beyond the river

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The Soviet Union was the name of the Russian collective of communist countries for many years. Let's try to look outside the frame of usual stereotypes and try to understand life of the former soviet union, with it's unique history and national songs.
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