Steve Buscemi Soundboard

One of the most important character actors of the 1990s, Steve Buscemi is unmatched in his ability to combine lowlife posturing with weasely charisma. Although active in the cinema since the mid-'80s, it was not until Quentin Tarantino cast Buscemi as Mr. Pink in the 1992 Reservoir Dogs that the actor became known to most audience members.

Category: Celebrities   Tracks: 40   Views: 13577  

by Penny Modesto - 40 tracks
Shut your pie hole
Because I'm a genius
Wanna compare brain pans
Dude cover your mouth
Mr. Pink Mr. Pussy
Captain America here
I don't wanna kill anybody
Two points
Did you kill anybody
Using your fucking head
First year fucking thief
I'm banging that girl
Not gonna debate you
Aloha out there
Beam me up scotty
Hit the deck or I'll smoke you
Best beer I've ever had
Biggest Mexican
Cyclops lady
Don't have to talk either
Ease up grumpy
First thing you've said
Fountain of conversation
I don't believe in it
I'm very sad about that
It's about time
No I'm sorry
Oedipus Rex
Shut up dicksmoke
Smells like piss
Start training for that
That's a geyser
This is damn good
Total silence
Two can play at that game
WTF with that smoke
Boards form Penny Modesto
Penny Modesto

One of the most important character actors of the 1990s, Steve Buscemi is unmatched in his ability to combine lowlife posturing with weasely charisma. Although active in the cinema since the mid-'80s, it was not until Quentin Tarantino cast Buscemi as Mr. Pink in the 1992 Reservoir Dogs that the actor became known to most audience members.

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