The Swearing Preacher 3

Preachers should be not of this world, if they are out in the world cussing, swearing and living like a sinner they should NOT be preaching period! Listen to more of this crazy swearing preacher... he drops more f-bombs than my father! Adult Language

Category: Media   Tracks: 31   Views: 8626  

by Eve Dy - 31 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Communication is corrupt
God sent the devil
Who created ur ass
Ain't playin wit yo ass
Anybody resistin
Ass is doomed
Believe in death
Can't afford
Corrupt communication
F_ _kin poop
First and last name
Got the book
Got to speak
Kiss my ass
Laugh 1
Laugh 2
Lookin for a cult
Name of faith
Red handed
Trust in hell
Understand me now
What do you know
What you callin me for
When I find em
White supremacists
Whitey always told you
Who name
Wrote a book
You got me now
Your thoughts
You the devil
Boards form Eve Dy
Eve Dy

Preachers should be not of this world, if they are out in the world cussing, swearing and living like a sinner they should NOT be preaching period! Listen to more of this crazy swearing preacher... he drops more f-bombs than my father! Adult Language

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