Terry Soundboard

Terry makes some calls.

Category: Prank Calls   Tracks: 1   Views: 653  

by Dlux Commenter - 1 tracks    Full Board $2.99
This is Terry This Isn't Mike
  • Hannah • 4 years ago -

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  • Hannah • 4 years ago -

    It has been one year since I decided to abandon my last project and I never felt so great in my entire life ... I started to work at home, over a website I stumbled upon over net , to get several hours daily, and I earn a great deal more than that I did in my office job ... My paycheck for last month was for 9000 bucks ... The very best thing about this gig is the more time I obtained with my kids. Here is exactly what I do [earn10keachmonth.gxjo.com](http://earn10keachmonth.gxjo.com "earn10keachmonth.gxjo.com")

Boards form Dlux Commenter
Dlux Commenter

Terry makes some calls.

Dlux Commenter

Terry makes some calls.

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