The Rent is too Damn High

New York Governor candidate Jimmy McMillan offers his solution to the cities deficit. The Rent is too damn high ! He formed the The Rent is too damn high party and ran for office in 2010. Included are some songs that helped spread the good word of his movement.

Category: History   Tracks: 28   Views: 6967  

by Jason Booth - 28 tracks
I represent
Song - Schmoyoho
As a karate expert
All boils down to one thing
The rent is too damn high
rent is too damn high - fast
Some childs stomach growled
Song - Hippymusicman88
Song - Jonathan Mann
rent is too damn high
Its too damn high
Homeless Crisis
The people i represent
Did you hear it
Marry a shoe
Once again why
Roof over your head
Solution for the deficit
There being layed off
Theres Nowhere to go
Why 2
Women cant afford
Working 8 hours a day
Our children cant afford
Boards form Jason Booth
Jason Booth

New York Governor candidate Jimmy McMillan offers his solution to the cities deficit. The Rent is too damn high ! He formed the The Rent is too damn high party and ran for office in 2010. Included are some songs that helped spread the good word of his movement.

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