Yogi Berra interviews

The legendary Lawrence Peter Yogi Berra is baseball's greatest champion, winning more World Series than any other player. He was known as a wild swinger, and he was very difficult to get out.

Category: Sports   Tracks: 12   Views: 3786  

by Beng Dy - 12 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Nickname Yogi
Yogi Berra Quote
Hall of Fame
Enormous affection by the public
Fun of the game is hitting
Good friends
Play ball
Playing big-league baseball
Served in World War II
Talks about Bill Dickey
Swinging at bad pitches
Boards form Beng Dy
Beng Dy

The legendary Lawrence Peter Yogi Berra is baseball's greatest champion, winning more World Series than any other player. He was known as a wild swinger, and he was very difficult to get out.

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