by Ace Ventura - 23 tracks
Bumble Bee Tuna
Look, a silver back!
Do NOT go in there!
Ass you a few questions
Dont have the power
Guy with rubber glove
Number still 911?
Alrighty then!
Spank you very much
If I'm not back....
Your balls are showing
Chewy chunks
You could poke someones eye out
Loogie guy
Talking to dog
Like a glove
Clean pair of shorts
Come to me jungle friends
Gee, let me think
Holy Testicle Tuesday!

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Boards form Ace Ventura
He's nutty, loves animals, hates she-dudes and bats, can park any auto 'like a glove' plus he can catch a bullet in his big teeth - he's Ace, the world's greatest pet detective, enjoy!
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