Bat Sounds

Booooo!! lot's of scary things are said about bats. Do you have the stomach to listen to them? Here are various species of bats from around the world recorded in nature.

Category: Animals/Nature   Tracks: 10   Views: 58904  

by Emanuel Enea - 10 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Noctule - Germany
Miniopterus - Australia
Eumops perotis - US
Pallidus - US
Eptesicus - US
Myotis daubentoni - Germany
Molossus - Costa Rica
Eptesicus fuscus - US
Myotis - US
Chaerephon Pumila
Boards form Emanuel Enea
Emanuel Enea

Booooo!! lot's of scary things are said about bats. Do you have the stomach to listen to them? Here are various species of bats from around the world recorded in nature.

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