Big tiger ug
big tiger ug is a Ugandan singer original name kwizera dan he was born in 2008 and started singing in 2023 December he started with a song called NDEETE big tiger ug is the president of black tiger gang that group he started in2024 who wants to join our group please contact us on +256766522396/+256705018945
by Big tiger ug - 4 tracks
Christmas etuuse
freestile BIG TIGER MUSIC(kyiwunge empire)_1726997081975-1

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Boards form Big tiger ug
big tiger ug is a Ugandan singer original name kwizera dan he was born in 2008 and started singing in 2023 December he started with a song called NDEETE big tiger ug is the president of black tiger gang that group he started in2024 who wants to join our group please contact us on +256766522396/+256705018945
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