by E R Fix - 47 tracks
show me what your best move is.
because she doesnt need any, thats why...
dont be jealous that ive been chatting online with
we are getting pretty serious..
shes, uh, shes got sandy blonde hair, shes, uh, pr
i'm 100% positive that she's my soulmate...
so when's grandma coming back?
yeah, if grandma's still paying for a minute she g
i guess so.
i'm really busy right now.
it works napoleon, you dont even know.
i love the way your sandy hair floats in the air t
like anyone can even know that..
i've already looked into it for myself.
maybe not.
geez, i think you ripped my mole off..
at the moment nothing comes to mind...
peace out.
thats pretty cool i guess.
it'd be nice if you could pull me into town
we're just runnin a little bit late for some prime
i guess you could say things are getting pretty se
so are you ready?
i dont mind if you stay.
i'm out making some sweet moolah with uncle rico
well thats the problem right now.
that sounds pretty good
thats true, thats true.
thats what i'm talking about.
i'm just getting really, just kinda toed...
try and hit me, napoleon...
try and hit me.
is there some kind of vest i can wear?
why is that?
so you and janice still together?
you can say that again...
you dont even know...
you know i do.
your mom goes to college.

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kip from napoleon dynamite. the best movie in the world.
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