Madworld Commentators
Quotes taken from the talented Madworld commentators Howard and Kreese. Listener discretion advised for sensitive ears. Please post or contact for any suggestions on what to add! All tracks as of April 2012 can be downloaded at
by Nicholas - 499 tracks
50 cent whore
A big fan
A dead giveaway
A little excessive
A rose by any other name
Abundant fuel source
Acting like a kid
Afraid of bats
Age-old question
Airborne head
Alien Anal Lovers
Aliens and sodas
Almost scary
Always room for blood
Amazing denial system
Anal probing
And a one! And a two! And a...
Animal cruelty
Annoyed is dangerous
Ask me another question
Asshole in a can
Awesome rack, though!
Back for an ass-kicking
Back in the day
Back of a strip club
Bad luck
Ball on a chin
Barehanded, not barebacked
Balls to the wall
Barrel of monkeys
Bats at spring break
Beat up by a chick
Beautiful flowers
Better than a motorcycle
Better than a triple
Betting on Kojack
Bigger things to worry about
Bike messengers
Bitch-whore wife
Blame the bats
Bloodbath Nonchallenge
Bloodbath switch
Blue pill or red pill
Bobbin' for zombies
Bodies don't really bounce much
Bodybag for leftovers
Bonus points for artistic merit
Bonus points for cheating
Brain freeze
Breakfast-related food metaphors
Broke easy for a crate
Building my playroom
Bulk killing
Burn the zombie's ass
Burning at both ends
Burning o-zone
By dying, he stops moving
Can-do attitude
Can't read 1
Can't read 2
Change the lane
Change the rules
Chicks on Halloween
Child-support payments
Chips and dip
Churning butter
City engineer
Collapsed lung
College years
Color it to a paint
Combo in the old days
Common mistake
Control panel
Counting to ten
Cowboy, hillbilly
Crate capital of the world
Crazy ass-kicking machine
Crocker's girlfriend
Darts have gotten me nowhere
Deadly trans fats
Definitely not working
Didn't break any of my records
Didn't bring a calculator
Didn't feel anything
Didn't get Kojack's bike
Dirty combo
Disappointing sequels
Disposable razor on my arm
Donut hole
Dissing my religion
Dog shit
Don't even feel it
Donuts for anyone alive
Dr. Anatomy
Dream on
Drill Man
Driver of the train
Drug reference
Drugs are the answer
Ears must be ringing
Ease of pooping
Easier than a helicopter
Eliminating weaknesses
Endangered species
Environmentally sound
Evil Jack
Exactly like golf
Experimentation is health
Explaining the rules
Faceless victims
Family-friendly death
Figure of shit
Fine and dandy
Fishy combo
Flatten pennies
Flogging too much
Foreign object up my ass
Fountain red, zombie dead
French people cutters
Fucked up childhood
Fuckity Fuck
Fucks chuck trucks
Full of hate
Genius like Jack
Fur is murder
Game hint or dating advice
Genital warts
Get a room
Giant killer robot
Gong bang
Got the horns
Greater than the sum of its parts
Greetings, Gore Sports Fans!
Grip is the foundation of the golf swing
Grown man screaming in terror
Gummy sidewalks
Haiku 1
Haiku 2
Haiku 3
Halt global warming
Handles his wood
Head injury
Happy onion, not happy ending
Hard time with rational thoughts
Hard-on for a rematch
Hates the cleaning crew
Healing assholes
Heart attack
Heart disease
Helps save the rainforest
He's pretty tough
He's up! He's down!
High on life
Hit by a train
Hobos- cheaper than wood
Home improvement show
Hopeless romantic
Hopes and dreams
Horse metaphor
Horse or whores
Housekeeping tip from Kreese
How could Kojack lose
How to kill a vampire
How to sex an alien
Howard at the gym
Howard's Love Life
Hundred Sword Attack
Hybrid motorcycles
I always say
I can shit farther than that!
I can't believe it
I don't think he didn't plan for it
I huff hobo chode
I invented that move
I like scotch
I totally meant awesome!
I tried a double
I'd be happy to rent her
I'd hug you if...
I'd start by putting him down
I'd think they'd prefer live meat
If he can't beat a girl...
Impressive orgy
In all fairness
In heaven with the wind puns
In his defense
Injected in the scrotum
Interior decorator
It was a deal!
It's called 'DeathWatch'
It's wrong to piss blood
Jack choked
Jack- Deathwatch record holder
Jack is a loser
Jack is fast
Jack shouldn't be a baseball player
Jack the Chef
Jack's shadow
Jack's third arm
Jerk-off joke
Just another power struggle
Just like Mama used to make
Just stop
Killed thousands
Killing like an accountant
King Geek
King of the jungle
Kitchen sink
Life on other planets
Knocked back dangerously close
Knows how to get a'head'
Kojack was robbed
Last birthday party
Last brother
Laying some pipe
Let's talk about it
Liberal dose of pharmaceuticals
Lick my eyelids
Like a surgeon
Life on other planets
Like he nailed your ex-wife
Like shooting fish in a barrel
Like shooting fish with a 12-gauge
Lit without a match
Little girl
Lived a good life
Look what's on TV
Look, but don't torch
Looked familiar
Lots of guys lose the power struggle
Love tap
Low in trans-fat
Mad juice
Make like a tree and leave
Makes you appreciate...
Mashy niblick
Master Bater artist
Maybe he's on drugs
Minced meat
Minimum advantage
Missed opportunity
Missile flashbacks
Mmm, too sharp
Mr. Science Asshole Nerd
My dolls
My father died that same way
My favorite time of the day!
My riding days
Nailed faster than...
'Natural' surroundings
Never competed in DeathWatch
Never gets off his bike
Never understood ninjas
New cure for hemorrhoids
Nice ass (kicking)
Nice shootin', Tex
No funny comment
No willpower
No wonder they break so easily
Normally don't approve of hitting women
Not a real chainsaw
Not clever
Not really a baron
Not enough enemies
Not even death can stop him
Not happy when someone is helped
Not very gentlemanly
Nothing like Octoberfest
Nothing says 'I love you' like...
Old-timey hand drill
Olive on a toothpick
On his way to hell
One divided by two
One-man wrecking crew
Onion in your pocket
Only Jack can see them
Or so I'm told
Other things on his mind
Other times you piss blood
Out of bad puns
Out of mind
Out of the frying pan
Outsmarting aliens
Overheating, not overeating
Ozzy's bats
Pain train
Partially dismembered transient
Pay attention to me
Penis coladas
Pick up the spare
Pieces bite your ass
Piranha zombies
Playground of death
Playing games on crack
Please shove this up my ass
Pole in the floor
Priceless window
Prime rib for $3.99
Prison flashback
Problems of automation
Public safety hazard. In the meantime...
Public service announcement
Pulled out of his ass
Puppy up the ass
Put that in your pipe
Ramming against himself
Razor apples
Ready to enter
Real planets are flat
Red thumb
Refreshing beverage
Reminds me of the bad old days
Rescue the hookers
Revolting 1
Revolting 2
Revolting 3
Rolling zombie gathers no moss
Romantic sap
Roulette ball
Rule #1
Runt of the family
Ruptured hemorrhoid
Safe, clean wind energy
Safest form of transportation
Same principle as roofies
Screaming doesn't help
Second time in Man Darts
Security of the booth
Sensitivity training
Serial killer
Seven pig tits
Shake it like you mean it
Shaked and baked
She calls it teamwork
She gets to wear spurs
Shitty dreams
Shitty impersonations
Shooting the shit
Shortest distance between friends
Should've worn a helmet
Signalling to turn
Size of the missile
Size of the sodas
Skeeves me out
Skeevy pervert
Slathered with sarcasm
Smart pussies
Smart-guy words
Smell it through the video
Smells like victory
Snacks and a show
Society of pussies
Soft and tenders
Something wrong with the bike
Sore loser
Speaking of bush...
Speaking of ghoul goop...
Speaking of tailpipe...
Spear fishing
Special onion
Spike-covered train
Spur of the moment
Steel balls
Stick around
Sticking things in them
Still lit
Still recognized body parts
Stinky onion
Stopped me cold
Stunning science fact
Sucked to death 1
Sucked to death 2
Supposed to be ironic
Sucks guys like...
Suicide is never the answer
Superior race
Symbols floating above heads
Take that, crate!
Sympathize with Jack
Take those kicks like a man
Target shaped like a chick
Tastes like ass
That good killing-someone-with-a-bat feeling
That's gotta hurt
That's how he rolls
The colors of their insides
The drink you can eat!
The impact makes no difference
The Fucked-up Zone
The letter 'fuck'
The one below
The only thing not legal
The root of all asskickery
The Windbreakers
There can only be one #1
They aren't gonna kill themselves
They grow up so fast
Thorny problem
Those shades look familiar...
Three groins in the fountain
Three nipples
Threw away a sign
Throwing costs extra
Throws little girls
Thunder and Sun
Time's a-waistin'
Tires are expensive
Titty target
To her credit...
Too bad for the bike
Too old for dolls
Top dog
Tore my scrotum
Tornado generator
Tossing guys
Trying to have a moment
Twisted foreplay
Two grown men wrestling
Two virgins on prom night
Two-man Fencing Quadruple Thrust
Ugly down there
Uncanny similarities
Undressed shogun
Unfair advantage
Until someone loses an eye
Varrigan City Geekcon
Vegetables are poison
Very acrobatic
Very 'light' sabers
Walking on walls
Wanton destruction
Warm insides
Water red, zombie dead
Wave some meat
We all wear masks
We had a 'thing'
We just go home now
What rhymes with zombie
What were you doing at ten
What's it like to die