
Peppersteak fixed a bit of a different way

Category: Misc.   Tracks: 55   Views: 112  

Tags: pepper steak
by Jim Pepper - 55 tracks
Ya thatd be good
Ya youll get in trouble but ill go to jail w laugh
Ya youll get in trouble but ill go to jail
You goin you goin to the site
what time is it
Whats that tame
Why dont you call me around 7 it all depends
Why genuine
Why tame
Why wouldnt I
Ya confused
Ya i think i can be there around that time
Ya it was real good pepper steak story pt1
Ya oh ya ya ya
So your mom mustve just left
We just got out of the truck
We were talking about me being there around 7 long
We were talking about me being there around 7
Well I really dont feel like it
Well Id rather spend time with you
well what do you want to do
Well what if i could
were talking about me staying there
Mkay 2 gleeful
No motivation to get back to work
No no no
Oh it did oh okay
Okay meek
Okay okay confirming tone
Okay sounds good
Prolly be down there in less than 2 hrs
So he brought me pepper steak pepper steak story pt 2
So what are you up to today
If I had my way right now Id shut down and come to you
Ill go to jail and be a registered SO
Im sorry confused
Is that alright
Ive heard people get in trouble for that
Just gettin back from lunch
Just the fact that the the the age difference
Laugh long
Laugh Mkay
Like what kinds of things do you wanna do
A little bit
Bye bye
Mkay confused
call me around 6 or 6 30
Chinese Food
I dont Ill be honest I dont
I dont know
I really dont want to
I was laying in bed thinking about trouble
Boards form Jim Pepper
Jim Pepper

Peppersteak fixed a bit of a different way

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