by Gorilla199 aka Chris Constantine - 54 tracks
2000 promiscuous women posessed by demons
And Jesus also said that.
Death souls
Demon posession
Demons are the evil spirits of death giants
Demons fles into the pigs, pigs fled into the sea
Depression was gone
Don't buy anymore (against the Golden Compass 17sec)
Even children are punished being wrong
Forbidden nonsense
God doesnt like it
Golden Compass-Exorcist-children (18sec)
Hair raising tought
Healed from depression
Hidden amongst us
How to enter another dimension
How to enter the realm of darkness
I love you
I love you Jesus
I'm glad i believe in Jesus
I'm not joking, really
Imagine things
Jesus arives in the area
Jesus showed me in a dream to make a website
Jesus is here with you
Love eachother like brothers and sisters
Not a good thing
Golden ring, pigs snout and women
Pure hearth
Sexual promiscuous
Stay better
Strangers wife or husband
The Golden Compass encourages child necromancy
These pigs
Think about sexual things
Torment him
Where is my depression
What happens when you are born again
When God says he is going to do something, he does it
Why not
Worldwide conspiracy without communication
You have now access to the dimension of darkness
You have now access to their dimension
31 februari 2009

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Boards form Gorilla199 aka Chris Constantine
Chris Constantine aka Gorilla199 on YouTube is a crazy christian fundamentalist who believes in all kinds of conspiracy theorys. He also wishes people cancer in pm's
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