Pensacola: Wings of Gold

Themes and sound bites from Pensacola: Wings of Gold, the first season, about four Marines called the Sea Dragons

Category: Television   Tracks: 54   Views: 3324  

by pwog2 Board - 54 tracks
Pensacola: Wings of Gold opening theme
Sea Dragon introductions: Annalisa, Wendell, AJ
AJ "Buddha" Conoway and demolitions
AJ remembers his visit to Arlington Cemetery
Annalisa "Stinger" Lindstrom in an all-guy unit
Annalisa, the rotorhead
Wendell "Cipher" McCray and cool gadgets
Janine Kelly, the daughter of a Marine
Col. Bill "Raven" Kelly about new recruits
Col. Rebecca Hodges about being a Marine
Bobby "Chaser" Griffin about being an F18 pilot
Bobby and his scarf
Aunt Elsie
When you're the best, you're the best
Buritto turned into an F-18
Bobby's call sign "Chaser"
Once Bobby is locked on target
Roger, Buddha. Chaser's out
Kelly tells Bobby to chill
That's Marine business
Marines, this is a shuttle to hell. Give ya a lift?
Janine comes back into her father's life
Your system's been compromised
Copernicus had it wrong
Bobby's diet
Annalisa, a double E marksman
Major pain the butt
Bobby likes to make funny faces
Good to go!
We were making out
Kelly wants an intelligent opinion
Why, AJ Conaway, I do declare
No, Buddha. Not cleared for landing
Well, as tempting as that sounds, Tarzan
AJ and Annalisa have to share a room
AJ consoles Annalisa
AJ and Annalisa, what to do about their feelings
Sounds like a mission to me
Iced tea and tattoos
I love the team
Col. Hodges orders launch sequence start
It's time. Let's do it!
Well, that's not gonna happen
AJ's peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Kelly gets a tattoo
Roger that, Cipher
Sidewinder up your tailpipe
Marines are a special breed
Chaser, Raven. Let's take these birds home
I'll run right home for my flight suit
Who the hell are you guys?!
We don't leave our wounded behind
You did well. That's all you need to know
Farewell to the Sea Dragons
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Themes and sound bites from Pensacola: Wings of Gold, the first season, about four Marines called the Sea Dragons

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